Um síðustu helgi var haldið mjög stórt innanhúsmót í Nimes í Frakklandi. Þetta er bogfimimót sem haldið er árlega og er stærsta innanhús bogfimimóti sem haldið er í Evrópu árlega. Sjö manna hópur frá Íslandi keppti á mótinu. Myndin sem fylgir þessari frétt var tekin af Ange Jimenez. Eftirfarandi eru frásagnir þeirra af reynslu sinni af mótinu.
Eowyn Marie Alburo Mamalias
The trip to my first competition in Nimes was an amazing adventure because of the people who were travelling with me. They made the trip more fun. We danced, sung, being ourselves and played uno.
I did 554 in my qualification and ranked no. 21 out of 42 CJW. I know its not my best score but at least i had an amazing experience. I met and saw other archers that I competed before from another country and got to know more new people.
In my 2nd chance I got 108/120 score but I could’ve gotten a 118/120 score because I did a lovely “mistake”. In end 2 I shot my last arrow after the time, because while I was shooting there was a girl in front of me who bumped into my arrows which was in my quiver (unintentionally) so I had to pull down my bow and then go up again.
I’m glad I got to experience this “mistake” and not somebody else because I was very frustrated. Every arrow makes a difference especially the one I shot. But this specific arrow made me stronger and I was only frustrated for a short time cause that arrow has already been done so I focused on to finishing my 2 last end confidently.
After this trip it had definitely made me a better and a stronger archer. I learned a lot because of this trip and this is one of the unforgettable adventure. I am definitely going next year in Nimes.
Erla Marý Sigurpálsdóttir
I loved this weekend. It was a really good experience with good people. Of course we shopped because of all the sales going on. When we came to check us in to the competition we were amazed of the difference between this competition and the once here at home.
My score was 547 which is not what I wanted but I was shooting well so I can’t complain. And in the second chance I shot 110.
There were a lot of people there and many of them noticed Iceland because we were always in a group, so that was fun.
Almost every salesperson wanted to talk to us because we were from Iceland. They wanted to know about Iceland and archery in Iceland. I think that is why we got more discounts of stuff and some business cards.
I think after watching the finals, I just fell more in love with archery because then I knew how big it is in other countries and I want to be standing there one day, shooting for the gold in a world cup.
Rakel Arnþórsdóttir
Flugið var skemmtileg á leiðinni til Barcelona við spiluðum mest alla leiðina. Veðrið i Barcelona var líka mjög fint. Í Nîmes var aðeins kaldara og rigning.
Ég var frekar ánægð með keppnina, skorið var ekki alveg eins og eg vildi að það, en samt gekk betur en a æfingum síðustu vikum og gekk ekki nógu vel i second tournament Síðan fór eg til hestaskóla sem var rétt hjá keppnisstaðnum og þar fékk eg leyfi til að fara og skoða mig um hesthúsin sem eg var mjög ánægð með. Fólkið sem eg hitti bæði i Barcelona og i Frakklandi voru vingjarnelg og hjálpleg og gátu talað enskuna mis vel. Var mjög ánægð með keppnina og langar að fara aftur a næsta ári.
Anna María Alfreðsdóttir
Ferðin var bara mjög skemmtileg og gekk mjög vel. Ég bætti mitt besta skor úr 544 í 551 og endaði í 25. sæti. Síðan fékk ég 115 í second chance dótinu og vann svona um það bil 50% af öllum uno spilunum.
Ásgeir Ingi Unnsteinsson
This was clearly the toughest tournament I have ever been to, both competition wise and mentally, shooting in a tournament with 1000+ other archers is completely different than shooting the nationals for example. But I have never learned more about myself in one weekend than there. I came back stronger with a lot to think about how I can become a better archer.
My scores were not as high as I had hoped but that is just an opportunity to learn.
The whole trip was awesome and the group I traveled with was amazing. I have already started planing this trip next year.
Alfreð Birgisson
I was so privileged to be traveling with five great kids to Nimes last weekend to compete in archery, we had a great time traveling and competing.
All of them made me very proud both on and of the range, some of them (me included) did not meet our goals in the competition but we all walked out smiling. And wanting to go back in 2021.
Thank you all that made this trip great and I hope I will see you all at Nimes 2021