World Archery L1 Coaching Seminar was held in Reykjavik Iceland 2-7 August 2022. Funding for the seminar was provided in large part by a grant from Olympic Solidarity for Entourage education.
The seminar was held in Bogfimisetrid archery center were 11 participants learned the basics of coaching archery from the beginner level to intermediate. Before the practical seminar (2-7 August) the participants had to complete an online education module provided by WA and an online WADA seminar. The practical seminar was 5 long days ending with a 6th day evaluation, participants were evaluated by experienced experts and all of the participants passed with high marks.
The majority of participants at the seminar were young women (6 out of 11). This matches the general trend in archery in Iceland where there are now more female registrations to tournaments then male participation, more women then men on the national team and the majority of judges in the country are also female. But before this coaching seminar there was only 1 female coach and 7 male coaches certified in the country. This disparity can partially be blamed on the lack of coaches education opportunities for everyone, partially because of the Covid-19 pandemic so coaches education has lagged behind the development of the sport in general. Now there are 12 male and 7 female certified coaches in Iceland and we expect that trend will continue and there will eventually be more female than male coaches in 2024. The assistance from OS in organizing the seminar is invaluable.
The LGBTQAI+ community was also represented at the seminar even though the dates of the seminar conflicted with Pride week (LGBTQAI+ festival) in Iceland. One non-binary person wanted to go to the seminar, but because of work, school and pride week could not attend, but plans to participate in the WA L1 coaching seminar planed in 2024.
Christos Karmoiris from Greece was the World Archery Coach Trainer that taught at the seminar and also the first evaluator. Gummi Gudjonsson from Iceland served as a second evaluator for WA at the seminar.
The NF (World Archery Iceland – WAI) encouraged clubs to select individuals for the seminar that were currently active in the operations or instructing within the clubs activities so that the knowledge would get to those that need it the most, the athletes. This proved to be a good system and all of the participants received high marks on the evaluation.
The plan is to organize a WA L2 coaching seminar in 2023 and all of the participants of the seminar wanted to participate also in the L2. Hopefully with the continued assistance of Olympic Solidarity we can develop coaching to the same standard we have in other aspects of the sport.