Mótinu var frestað frá 2021 til 2022 vegna Covid. Mótið verður haldið í Kansai í Japan og nokkrir Íslendingar hafa lýst yfir áhuga á að fara á mótið þrátt fyrir langt ferðalag.
Góður hópur 7 keppenda fór á Evrópuleika Öldunga 2019 (European Master Games) í Torino Ítalíu þar sem Íslendingar voru sigursælir og komu til baka með 1 gull, 2 silfur og 2 brons.
Dear athletes, officials and supporters,
The Organising Committee of the WMG2021 Kansai hope all is well with you. We have finished securing the spots for participating in the 2022 Games for those who made entries based on 2021 Games dates and age category, and today, entries are open again. It is 1 year to go to the Games and entries are accepted until 28th February 2022.
If you are interested in participating in the Games, you can check the revised schedule and guidelines for each sport and disciplines here (Please note that for some disciplines, entries are unable to be resumed due to adjustments required. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.): https://wmg2021.jp/en/games/list
Stay safe and keep being active! Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us! Contact form: https://wmg2021.jp/en/contact ******************************************************************* Issued by: The Organising Committee of the World Masters Games 2021 Kansai Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wmg2021/ |