A World Archery Coaching seminar level 2 was organized in Iceland by the Icelandic National Archery Association (World Archery Iceland) 3-11 July. By a coach trainer from World Archery in Bogfimisetrid Archery Center in Iceland, in cooperation with Olympic Solidarity (OS) which provided the funding for the majority of the cost of the seminar.
It seems that a strange trend has started that every time an Olympic Solidarity – World Archery Coaching Seminar is organized in Iceland we celebrate some earthquakes followed by a volcanic eruption. Because a Volcano did erupt on the 7th day on the current seminar called the Litli-hrútur eruption. During the last OS WA coaching seminar level 1 in August 2022 we had the Meradalir eruption. Both times the eruptions were about 15-20 km away from the classrooms so there was limited danger to the participants, other than needing to be aware of and careful of gas emissions from the volcano depending on the prevailing winds.
National coaches that are actively coaching within clubs of World Archery Iceland and have completed the World Archery L1 international coaching certificate were invited to participate in the L2 seminar to increase their knowledge and experience. The main focus was on coaches that are currently actively coaching in clubs so that the seminar would be as successful as possible and the knowledge would reach as many athletes as possible. All of the participants passed their evaluation by the seminar evaluators.
The following individuals participated in the WA Coach L2 seminar:
- Kristjan Gudni Sigurdsson – Club: Skotithrottafelag Isafjardar
- Valgerdur E. Hjaltested – NF: BFSI
- Gudbjorg Reynisdottir – Club: BF Hroi Hottur
- Sveinn Stefansson – Club: BF Hroi Hottur
- Albert Olafsson – Club: BF Boginn
- Freyja Dis Benediktsdottir – Club: BF Boginn
- Ragnar Smari Jonasson – Club: BF Boginn
- Heba Robertsdottir – Club: BF Boginn
- Thordis Unnur Bjarkadottir – Club: BF Boginn
- Haukur Hallsteinsson – Club: BFB Rimmugygur (Boginn)
- Indridi Ragnar Gretarsson – Club: UMF Tindastoll
- Izaar Arnar Thorsteinsson – Club: IF Akur
Evaluators were:
- Tim Swane GBR WA – WA Coach trainer L2
- Gummi Gudjonsson ISL NF – WA Coach L3
No formal public score was given during the evaluation.
World Archery has not formally started giving out diplomas for WA Coaches L2. Currently there are only given diplomas for WA Coach L1. But traditionally during L2 and L3 seminars participants are still evaluated by two evaluators for the respective National Federation (NF), at least until an official diploma and evaluation from World Archery will be added to the L2 and L3 seminars, which is expected to be added in a few years time.
Tim Swane from Great Britain was selected by World Archery as the Coach Trainer that would conduct the seminar, following a suggestion made by the NF for an expert. Tim is a World Archery Coach Trainer Level 2 (WACT L2) and also conducts coaching seminars for World Archery in the World Archery Excellence Center in Lausanne Switzerland, and has conducted the majority of the coaching seminars held in Lausanne in the last couple of years.
Tim is also very active in coaches education in his home country (Great Britain) and conducts numerous coaches seminars every year in GBR in Archery GB’s coaching system.
It is worth mentioning that the awarding of official diplomas for WA L1 coaches only started in 2019. And the goal is to implement that system also for WA L2 and WA L3 coaches in the future. But the Covid-19 pandemic and staff changes have also had an effect and delayed that work considerably.
When that process is in place it is expected that those that have completed the WA L2 coaching seminars in the recent past will be invited to do the additional education and evaluation for a WA Coach L2 diploma, or some form of review or reeducation.
The candidates in the seminar also had to complete the WA online level 1 course and a course from WADA (World Anti Doping Agency), which takes about 2 days ish to complete. Although most of the candidates had already completed those seminars as part of their WA L1 Coaches education in 2022.
Tim was very happy with the candidates and said that their base level of their knowledge was quite high, which is not always the “norm” at seminars. So he expected the seminar would run quite fast and smooth, so there might even be some extra time to do some additional things that are not usually part of the curriculum.
The age distribution of the candidates was quite wide, the youngest being 15 years old and the oldest being 62 years old. Participation was rather even in genders with 7 men and 5 women candidates that completed the seminar. But 5 other candidates that had originally planed to participate had cancelled because of conflicts with work or for personal reasons. Despite that there were candidates from 50% of the member clubs of World Archery Iceland, from almost every corner of the country, which is a very positive development.
Even though the candidates have completed the WA Coach L2 seminar their certification is not fully valid in Iceland until they have completed the NOC Coach L2 seminars, which World Archery Iceland is duty bound to operate by. In Iceland coaches education according to the rules of the NOC is split into a “Sports specific” part and a “General coaching”. So the candidates must also complete the “General coaching” Level 2 NOC seminar for their archery coaching certificate to be fully activated. The NOC “general coaching” seminars cover things that are not always covered in detail in the sports specific seminars for example nutrition, safeguarding, national rules that apply and such that should apply to all coaches. More information about the NOC seminars can be found here ÍSÍ þjálfarastigi 2.
The curriculum was quite varied as can be seen on the example photo below.
The future plan is to organize another WA coaching L1 seminar in 2024, if there will be enough participation and if we will have some volcanic participation again then. World Archery Iceland also intends to apply for Olympic Solidarity support for that coaching seminar and hopes to continue receiving support from OS and the NOC to help educate coaches to support the fast growth of the sport in Iceland.
It is possible to find more picture from the seminar on the World Archery Iceland smugmug https://bogfimi.smugmug.com/OS-WA-L2-Coaching-Seminar/